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Transport & Logistics 

Books & e-Books

Library Search University of Westminster library catalogue search for books, e-book and lots more- find our guide here 

Ethos PhD thesis available from the British Library for instant download with sign up

New Books A selection of new books in the Library at Marylebone

SCONUL A scheme which allows you to use books and journals at other libraries belonging to the scheme. Apply online by clicking on the link. Note: once your application has been approved you can use any of the libraries on the list. 

Journal Articles

Library Search Use University of Westminster's Articles & more tab in Library Search to find online journal article. Use the Books, journals & more tab to find print journal availability. Find our guide here

Westminster Research Use University of Westminster's Westminster Research tab in Library Search to find work published by University of Westminster staff. Find out more here.

GreenFILE Index to journal articles on all aspects of human impact to the environment including climate change, global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and recycling.


Policy, Reports and Grey literature

Westlaw & Lexis Authoritative legal databases containing case reports, legislation, news and a range of legal texts. These resources can be navigated to by searching for them by name in Library Search. 

PLANEX Online access to bibliographic abstracts on best practice and governance in the UK public sector. This resource can be navigated to by searching by name in Library Search. Find our guide here 

Rachel Aldred Blog  Website from the course leader for Transport. 

CILT Website for the The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, contains news and policy information. 



Box of Broadcasts BoB A television and radio recording and archive service offering access to over 45,000 programmes. Search and record programmes coming up in the next 7 days, watch programmes from the archive and create clips. 

Digimap Ordnance Survey maps to view, print or save at pre-defined scales. our will need your University username and password to login. You will need to register the first time you use Digimap. Find our guidance here A huge range of video tutorials supporting learning in software, technology, creative and business skills all free to University of Westminster staff and currently enrolled students.  


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